Be IT Girl

Be Bold!

Escape into our SANCTUM of indulgence. Bold Escapes that caress the senses, calm the soul, and Pamper your body.

Our Story

We’ve had a love/hate relationship with our BATH, since we can remember! 

A softy for bath rituals, we’ve loved creating that spa vibe, while transforming our baths into those pictures you see in Vogue. WE may have been successful in ambience, and feel, but certainly not to the benefit of our bodies. The bubbles in my baths, the bombs used in my tub left us filmy, dry, chemically and sometimes even with a UTI. Our craze obsession for this Instagram worthy ritual sent us on a mission to ” There must be a better way”. It engulfed us during the pandemic (2020) when I took our bath game to a Herculean level.

Doing extensive research on what benefits the body the most, we sourced the crème de la crème in products and formulations. Ideally, elevating the bath experience in a way like NO OTHER!

Our discovery that bathing in TEA, outweighs the benefits of drinking it directly, since our skin absorbs it directly into our bloodstream. Educating ourselves in the advances in herbal medicine opened our formulations and combinations to an all natural way to benefit the body. Healing baths for our bodies from the inside out.

Bath tea is beautiful but I wanted to really exceed any bathers expectations so I starting experimenting with milk baths, salts, oils, butters, and endlessly working to improve tub tease. Finally after years of trials and tweaking I did it. The perfect tub tease was created. 

The goal was to create the boujeest bath possible that offered an all in one at home spa like experience and I did that, plus more. Tub tease now has an amazing team on board and we can’t wait for your self-carel era to begin.

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Gift For Her

Nunc ac placerat elit. Cras blandit mauris quis erat porttitor, a laoreet ligula fermentum. Proin.

Gift For Him

At augue nulla. Morbi elit nisi, consequat id ligula ac, luctus ultricies mauris. Pellentesque nunc.

Special Offer

Tortor, efficitur quis viverra vel, posuere eget purus. Morbi vitae ex nec sapien posuere interdum.